by John Wilson on Sep 03, 2013
So now your student is away at school. Will he or she have a vehicle with them? Even if they do not have a policy vehicle with them, your student may have an opportunity to drive a friend’s car. (You know, that friend that was too drunk to drive home)! If not already listed on your auto policy, your student should be. Even if your student is out-of-state, your auto coverage will insure the driver in any of the United States, its territories or possessions, Canada or while an insured vehicle is being transported between ports thereof.
Depending on how far away your student is attending school, you may be able to get a credited rate for this driver. Additionally, if a full-time student and carrying a “B” or better grade point average will also provide a good student discount which can be a tremendous savings for this driver.
Of course, you may find that it is time to instill some independence and responsibility for your student and have them get their own coverage. If out of state, your student would have to find an agent licensed in their state. If still in California, they may still be able to get your loyalty discount for their policy if they were listed as drivers on yours. Have your student call us for a quote.
Of course, call your Long Beach auto insurance experts at Neighbors Plus Insurance Services (562) 627-1961 if you have other questions about insurance coverage for your student or any other insurance needs.
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